Apostolic leadership provided by the FPCM Leadership Team, supplies a grace covering and impartation, equipping people and bringing a Kingdom minded perspective on church life for FPCM members.
The Relationship Connection provided by the annual family event; regular conference and/or video calls throughout the year; meet & greet fellowships and the FPCM database opens up a vast system useful for connecting with other leaders and networking with local church leaders.
The events provided by the FPM leadership, furnishes a celebration atmosphere, reunion of relationships, five-fold ministry input, prophetic presence and impartation, and specialized workshops.
Consulting provided by the FPCM Leadership Team, equips members with hands-on consultation relevant to various pastor and church needs, including churches in crisis.
We encourage support from the churches of the fellowship to offer leaders working in and with a local church to connect with other support leaders, networking with them to learn, impart, relate, and share resources.
The website provided by the FPCM Leadership Team, offers immediate communication between members. Also the website will provide resources that will assist you in your ministry endeavors.
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